Shido recap with recent achievements!
Shido gives a quick recap over achievements made past couple weeks. Showing a significant progress building the Shido ecosystem.
✅ Over 2M transactions on-chain
✅ Zokyo chain audit completed
✅ Stagenet w/ 400ms blocktime completed
✅ Skip Protocol partnership
✅ Shido Network bridging launched
✅ Shidoscan V4 UI reveal
✅ Over 3.5B SHIDO staked
✅ REStake App Partnership
✅ Automatic restaking launched
✅ Shido DEX V3 pool reveal
✅ Shido DEX V3 wrapping mechanism
✅ All winners of Samurai Hackathon
✅ Shido Telegram-game development
✅ 2.5M Blocks produced
✅ Shido App update launched
✅ And more..
Are you ready for what's coming next?